Sunday, June 6, 2010

What do they think I am? A chiwawa?

I'm sorry but I just gotta complain about the food again. I can't help it. I don't know how the food is at other hospitals but at Princess Margaret 80% of the time they might as well bring me dog food.

You know what's really fuckin hard to screw up? A grilled cheese. They just brought me one. Shit bread, shit processed cheese, not even melted anymore, and ONE little packet of ketchup. Guess what, I ate it. Most patients have to eat it or they'd starve. I on the other hand have huge food support. People bring me home cooked meals just so I CAN STAY ALIVE.

Honestly, these poor cancer patients are fighting for their lives and they need food, they need carbs, protiens, nutrients to cope with the powerful and draining drugs. What do they get? Miserable little microwave dinners. I went through a dry spell with my home-cooked food and I was constantly HUNGRY. Not only is the food miserable, its enough to feed a small animal. No you know what, they like to eat a lot too.

Oh and another thing, when I was first going through chemotherapy I was really sick. It hit me really really hard. I threw up a lot. One day my dinner was brought in. I, not knowing what perils awaited, opened up the tray to reveal a wobbily, greasy, slimy, mold of some sort of meat???? I dont fucking know what it was but I instantly threw up. Thanks kitchen crew! And every now and then the image of that meat blob would invade my mind's eye and instantly trigger vomit!

Cut backs they say. What shit. Heres a solution. You have a doctor who misdiagnosis someone. He or she screws up. A percentage of their bonus is taken and donated to the god damn hospital kitchen! I donno I am not a god damn administrator but something needs to be done.

Imagine with me a place where they bring you food that supports you during your treatment. A place where chefs take pride in their work, and noble work it would be. Real food to support the body in healing and repairing. This is a happy fantasy...


  1. Wow. Isn't it unbelievable that in a place you are supposed to be getting healthy, you are fed garbage? Incredible. I heard from Sylvia you are learning a lot about food and healing, sounds like important work that the hospital could benefit from as well!

  2. (all the google ads on this post are for "high quality pet food, haha!)

  3. lol! I have earned $1.96 from those adds! OOHHH YEA. Stupid google.

    The food situation is indeed a huge mess. Everything is going to change, all in good time.
