Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Way I See It

Spirituality is great. To have a deeply rooted set of beliefs is the best thing and greatest ally on an adventure with cancer. I would like to share my beliefs with you. Most of what I have learned came from a long time family friend and powerful intuitive, Cynthia. She is one of those rare people who can reach beyond the veil and bring back words, teachings, songs, and most importantly truth. Cynthia was my mom's best friend and my mom was my greatest spiritual teacher. She lived what she preached and she loved all her children unconditionally. She had such a big heart and was truly in tune with the work we are all here to do. I miss her so much at times, I let the grief well up and have the greatest cries. Crying has such a cleansing quality - I prescribe it to every patient I meet.

Basically this is it. You, me, everyone has a soul. Souls are immortal, powerful, they are a piece of the divine and the divine can be found in all life, we all know of the Oneness everyone talks about. Souls are vibrating at the highest frequency and are composed entirely of pure love. In fact, when you die, you are returning to this place of pureness, you are welcome back into the arms of love.

Souls love to learn. They love to grow. Before entering a human body they pick the challenges, the family they want to live with, and also the other souls they will interact with. So from this perspective, a young adult with cancer has picked a huge challenge which only means that their soul was ready to take it on. That is a noble thought, is it not?

The soul picks it's family and enters into the body of a newborn baby, screaming and grasping for air in the bright lights and loud noises which accompany childbirth. The baby is placed in the arms of the mother and that beautiful bond is formed. Already forces are at work. Perhaps the mother is hesitant about her ability to raise a child- fear arises - the baby will pick up on this and will have to confront issues associated with that. This is actually my case. My mom wasnt sure she would be able to raise me well, or if she was ready, and this imprinted on me, and I was always the perfect child, never angry, never naughty, and in my teens I would have an underlying feeling of non-deserving. It manifested physically in a blocked nose - I thought I didn't deserve to breathe. All this from one moment at childbirth!

I have since worked on my non-deserving "pattern". Patterns are the programmed responses a human will make based on the person they have become and the events that shaped them. In everyday life they define you. They make you predictable. I will talk more on patterns soon.

So here we have this planet, a place of learning, the truth - the light the love etc - kept hidden from our eyes. Every soul on it's own path. All souls interacting to bring eachother the events needed for growth. This is what they mean when they say there are no mistakes in life. It is all a huge, extremely complex, beautiful network of interactions. When I think about it, the amount of people on this planet, and all the preplanned events that are to occur precisely at the exact time it is needed - my mind truly gets boggled.

Are you still with me, reader? I know for many it is hard to pull away from the material world in all it's detail and emperical evidence. Many minds find safety in what they can prove, in what they can sense with their human mind. That is fine. I just offer a doorway into a broader reality. Mankind is evolving, the veil is SO thin right now. It is a very exciting time to be alive. 2012 will indeed be a time of huge transition. Many souls will head home with the events of natural disasters or warfare. We are approaching this day fast we're already almost halfway through 2010!

So, there is indeed work to be done! Patterns, remember those? They run deep and they have the power to halt your soul's progress. Patterns are usually fear based. By that I mean Lady X will always be afraid to talk publically because deep down she has been brainwashed to think she is dumb, that she has little to offer. Of course this is not truth! Lady X is a very very wise soul and has an important message to share with the world - it is what her soul wishes and desires. Another example of pattern is a man who turns to violence and abuse because he was probably abused as a child and feels that this is the appropriete response to any situation that might overwhelm him. Underlying his violence is a scared child, afraid of failure? his own potential? There are many factors involved. We also come with a "core pattern" this is like a huge traumatic event, which usually occured in a past life, but sticks to the soul, wait for the day to be released.

I had a core pattern reading done. My core pattern involves great sexual shame, which makes sense as to why I never took a relationship further than friendship. My story takes place in 19th century Ireland. I am a young man from a poor family. I fall in love with a rich girl and of course we are caught making out in her bedroom. The mother of the girl is in a rage! She accuses me of rape, the cops send dogs after me and arrest me right infront of my mother. What shame! So I am here to clear this pattern. I have lived many lives as a monk because of it.

Patterns take time to heal. The manner in which you heal a pattern is such: You feel the negative emotion it brings (be it shame, fear, non-deserving, fear of failure, etc) to it's fullest and then you let it go, you release, and replace that energy with that of love and compassion and forgiveness. It is simple and effective. Patterns are tough buggers though, often taking a lifetime to truly overcome.

I hope this post will be helpful to those who want clarity and something simple to believe in. Belief is your most powerful tool against cancer. Infact the cure for cancer will involve medicines of the future but more importantly the person needs to work with the cancer, achieve soul growth, and the cancer will back away. This has been my experience and I am ten times the man I used to be. Remember always that you are soul. You are divine, you are god (ahhh blasphemy!!) We are powerful creators, we can influence events on this earth. If you desire something, put it out to the universe, keep the faith, and you will be surprised at the results.

That is all.

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