Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jesus Christ and Rumi

Dear Readers,

Once again I ask you to open your minds. I wish to talk briefly on energy healing and especially the laying on of hands, or "hands on work". Back in the 70's they actually trained nurses in energy healing, a technique called "Therapeutic Touch". It is a shame that we lost touch (excuse the pun) with that. You should not underestimate the power of energy healing.

I am still dealing with the damage that anti-fungal caused to my body. As you know it attacked my back muscles and caused me pain on the right side of my brain above my eye. I have been lucky enough to have had some great massages. Doctor Andre, the staff oncologist who I wrote about in my farewell post, gave me a great massage haha. He also informed me that we have two ribs that are not part of the rib cage but actually run up along either side of the spine. As skinny as I am I can feel them, cord-like, and if I massage them it instantly relieves the pains in my back.

But what I wanted to get at was my friend Cynthia, the powerful intuitive I have told you about, also practices energy healing in the form of hands-on. My back muscles were aching so she went to work. Placing one hand on my front and one on the back right on the muscle she got to healing and right away I could feel the warmth. The heat generated by the healing energies is indication that work is indeed being done. Wow it got hot and Cyn said she could feel the negative energy draining first out the front then it switched to exiting out my back. About 20 minutes of this and my back was pain free and has remained so ever since. There was no change in any prescription, and I didn't start taking pain killers.

This is the stuff of "miracles". Jesus was so in tune with his own godliness that he could lay on hands and instantly cure the sick. Now the truth is you can never save anyone, you can only show them the way to their healing, they have to walk the path. But if a soul feels it's time to heal and there happens to be a healer nearby then indeed the miraculous can occur. Jesus was an incredible man, he was born to show us the truth of who we are, and indeed he succeeded in spreading a powerful message. Alas the fears and greed of man, of the church, corrupted his original teachings and message for their own purposes. When humans are able to debate and change religion as they see fit (including the exclusion of so many gospels) it makes you wonder about the legitimacy of the original message. Worst case of broken telephone ever. I don't mean to knock christianity though, yes its corrupted, but many martyrs have died with smiles on their faces, indeed one can still reach enlightenment through any of the world religions.

I think we have established that cancer is largely energetic. I saw a healer a little while ago. He was trained in naturopathy, shamanism, ayurvadic medicine and a whole slew of other healing arts. Hes kind of insane and very ungrounded but very powerful. He can take one look at you and tell you where you need help. For example, he said my gallbladder was suffering and that I should stop eating chips (hydrogenated oils). He also said my will to live was at about 45 / 100 when the average human is at 65% - only gurus are up at around 85%. At the time he told me he was right. I was pretty down.

Now, I tell you about this guy because he understands that everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. He asked me what he could do for me and I didn't even think he could do anything about my Leukemia. But he informed me that a sad and lonely spirit had entered my body and had caused the cancer. So we performed the "exorcism" and it was really quite a cool experience because I could feel this sad spirit actually being removed. The process involved finding a powerful source of love and using that love to purge the spirit. I accessed my mom's love and it was easy enough. He claimed the leukemia was gone. But this is where he was wrong or at least could not see that I needed more cancer. Perhaps this spirit re-entered my body but I doubt it. Do be careful with which healers you choose to see. Most of them are excellent and powerful but some of them are frauds and liers. Go off recommendations is my advice.

You probably think I am insane now but I always say embrace madness! Actually this was the teaching of a sufi mystic from the 12th century called Rumi. This guy was so ahead of his time it's crazy. He speaks of spirituality that humanity is only now understanding. He wrote a few books full of poems and incredibly wise teachings. And hes a total lunatic, its awesome. I will leave you with a quote from Rumi that I love:

Conventional opinion is the ruin of our souls,
something borrowed which we mistake as our own.
Ignorance is better than this; clutch at madness instead.
...Always run from what seems to benefit your self:
sip the poison and spill the water of life.
Revile those who flatter you;
lend both interest and principle to the poor.
Let security go and be at home amid dangers.
Leave your good name behind and accept disgrace.
I have lived with cautious thinking;
Now I'll make myself mad.

p.s. Raiki healing is also incredibly powerful and quite popular and if you can find a master it can be performed over long distances. It is also an easy thing to pick up yourself.

p.p.s Oh and I forgot to mention, anyone can do hands on work. All you need is love and the intention to heal. Apply your hands to the place of wounding and send your love, your warmth, and colourful healing energies to that spot. You will probably feel the heat soon and you will notice that it is more than just body warmth. Also you will need to direct the negative energies down into the ground, it is important not to absorb them or leave them hanging in the open.

1 comment:

  1. I am a two-time cancer survivor. I have received miraculous healing, unable to be explained by the medical community. I know there is a soul and a heaven. Do NOT be naive enough to believe that all paths lead to it. That is utter nonsense. We are not all gods. We are God's creation. Jesus is God in human form. ALL the way back to the earliest recordings, Jesus ascended into heaven. There are NO other eye witness accounts of any other such person and to equate ourselves to the only sinless human in history is blasphemous. If you believe Jesus was a great healer and great man but don't believe what he said about himslef than you also beieve he was a liar. You can't have it both ways. He either is who he claims to be or he is a lunatic. I do believe we take toxins into our bodies every day and that we eat things God did not intend. On the diet front, even on the power of touch, I believe most of us are ignorant but please do not reduce the image of Christ to that of a glorified masseuse. He healed the blind, paralytic, leppers, made demons flee and ROSE FROM THE DEAD. Please don't tale my word for it. Do the research. There is an amazing book called "I don't have Enough Faith to be an Atheist." It delves into the issues of creation, physics, cosmology as well as a scientific and journalistic approach to the Gospel and the life of Christ. There is an eternity. It does not evolve from some universal stream of consciousness. We were created by a designer. The complexities of our bodies cannot be explained away by chance. I don't want ANYONE to miss out on the love of our creator and his Son who died as a sacrifice to restore our relationship with with HIM.
