Monday, July 5, 2010

Man, life is hard right now. Well no, not life, but wrestling with my state of mind is hard right now. I seem to have fallen back into a place of much fear around death. Maybe not death but dying. The lovely Dr. Minden laid down the list of all the potential ways I could die or end up in the ICU breathing with tubes and hooked up to god knows what manner of various medical machines. Last night I burst into tears at that thought. How horrible.

I look at my veins now and they are filling up again, bulging out again, I think the cancer is making a return. It could just be this really warm weather but fuck, I doubt it. I guess that means more chemo for me. What a fucking shit way to end such a short and shit life. Cancer, chemo, cancer, chemo, cancer - chemo not working, done. Is that any way for any one to die? I feel so miserable, I feel so helpless, I feel so fucked.

release - release - release - release - release - trust - trust - trust - trust - trust

I look around at my surroundings (out on the deck) and see such beauty and I breathe in the warm air and give thanks for such simple but profound experiences. The sun just came out from behind a cloud and highlights spots all over the garden. The sound of the fountain at the pond is just another reminder as well. In this moment I am at peace, in this moment life is bliss, in this moment I am god.

My eyes go to my veins but I can just admire their beauty, the amazing complexity of the human body and yes I am reminded of cancer and death but they seem so insignificant in the glory of this awareness. In the distance I do still feel sad and I will have to cry those tears soon, my journey is not done and for now I think I may fall back into the illusion but I give thanks for this writing and that experience, because every time that happens the load gets lighter and I get stronger, bigger, and more POWERFUL!!!!!! Muahahahha.

The End.


  1. Hey Nicolas

    Keep postive my friend....A quote for you to ponder...

    When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, never give up then, for that is just the time that the tide will turn.
    -- Harriet Beecher Stowe


  2. Hello Nicolas.

    Please don't give up, for all of us who love you and who admire your strength. We are here with you, not far. And as soon as you can, we will bring you to visit with us. that a deal! much love xxx Aunt L.
