So after seeing my counts for two weeks in a row now, I can safely say that for the time being cancer has been beaten back and remains as a small but present annoyance. The beast still lingers but we have a time of peace now. I don't really know what Minden wants to do now, infact I havn't heard from him at all in the past few hospital visits. I feel abandoned :( but I mean...maybe it really is being left up to me to see if I can find a way to make peace with this disease.
Anyone who has read this blog knows that I am a strong supporter of energy healing. In Brazil there is a healer called Joao de Deus or John of God. He channels thirty or so spirit doctors and he is able to perform complex surgeries without any anesthetics and the patient feels no pain. He has cured cancers, aids, MS, blindness, drug addiction and removed many tumors. There has been a documentary made about him and lots of other articles, videos, whatever, just check youtube.
Anyway, we have a family friend who went to visit him and she loved the experience and wants to fundraise enough money for me and my dad to visit this healer - - - Heh I just got off the phone with Dr. Minden and I am cleared to fly!! I had to tell him why I wanted to go to Brazil "to visit a spirit healer" haha oh man, that was fun. He didn't comment, I bet he sees a lot of this stuff.
More on this later I gotta make some calls!
p.s. during the "- - -" I emailed dr minden to see if i could fly, he emailed back that i had to call him, then i called my dad cuz i was like freakin out that id have to be the crazy person and tell him about this healer man, but then i got over it and called him and thats where the blog continues. lol!
p.p.s. Not that I have to justify myself to anyone but to the naysayers and unbelievers I say put yourself in my shoes. Where do you turn when modern medicine fails? Alternative healing methods, holistic medicine, energy healing (in my case), and whatever else. When it comes to life and death you want to know you tried everything, at least I do. He may heal the cancer he may not, at least I got to go to Brazil, right? :)
ReplyDeleteWhen are you planning to go to BRAZIL?
Probably in Aug, we will see how things pan out...when you coming back to 14c sexy lady?
ReplyDeleteLOL well my friend time to start brushing on your Portuguese. I return on Monday, but downstairs to tm4. I hope your not giving anyone a hard time on 14c!!! I will get report and you will be in big trouble! How is the formatting coming along
ReplyDeleteSusana here is my email so u can stay in touch when you go to brazil.