Sunday, July 19, 2009

Presence of Mind

People generally don't like crises. I have to say though, once you're in the thick of it, you can become incredibly grateful for the experience. For one, NOTHING brings people together like crises, haha. Aside from seeing all your friends and family again and having some good times with them there is much more. I have learned a great deal ever since I got leukemia. It will take me many months to write out everything I have learned but I thought I would just mention one extremely powerful technique to help cope with crises.

I read Eckhart Tolle way back before he was Oprahnized and his book The Power of Now really saved me from being so sad and depressed during my months of recovery and chemotherapy. The central teaching of his book is on keeping your attention focused entirely on the present and achieving peace of mind, or rather, silence of mind, to ultimately enter an enlightened state of being.

Last time I had leukemia I was looking at 3 months of recovery and then some more months of recovery. Now with my new form of Leukemia I got 2 to 3 years ahead of me for treatment. FUCK, EH? Just thinking about it for a second makes me so angry; I can't work, can't attend school, bars, theatres, none of that for 2 to 3 years.

But then I bring my attention to the present. I am sitting in a hospital room, listening to some good music, enjoying the view from my room and writing about what I love. Suddenly a peace overcomes me and this is the way you have to keep going. Honestly it eats away at your soul if you keep your attention elsewhere and only hinders your recovery.

So that is my lesson for today: keep your mind in the present as much as you can. It helps so much in times of crises and also just every-day life. If you want to learn a lot more about this technique and all the othe benefits it has as well as the meditations included to achieving it, read Tolle's book!

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